Residents and guests of South River Park have access to community facilities. General rules for community facilities may be found here. The following describes those properties individually, including any specific rules pertaining to each and the contacts for more information.
The Community Clubhouse, located at 1410 Circle Drive, is available for community events and private event rentals. There are specific rules, and additional documentation and insurance requirements if alcoholic beverages are served.
The SRP Clubhouse has a caterer's kitchen, a large space with wood floors, and two bathrooms. The building can seat 100 and there is parking for about 80 cars.
New rental rates for 2025 are:
$400 for NON South River Park residents
$175 for South River Park residents
All renters must provide a $150 security deposit.
Renters must cease loud noise by 10:oo pm, and all functions must end by 11:30pm. Please read contract for all requirements.
To reserve the SRP Club House or if you need additional information, please contact SRP Club House representative listed on the rental agreement contracts below.
Examples of room set up by previous renters with their furniture, plates, tablecloths, chair covers, balloons etc. these renters brought to the clubhouse.
South River Park offers several waterfront facilities for South River Park homeowner’ use. Please make sure to take your trash with you and be respectful of surrounding homeowners.
South River Park residents enjoy private access to a boat launch ramp at the end of Park Road. Guidelines for use of the ramp are found below. Since no parking is available, all users must take their boat trailer home or park at the Club House on Circle Drive while they are boating. There is no overnight boat or boat trailer storage on SRPCA community property. The gate to the boat ramp is locked, and only SRPCA homeowners may purchase a key.
South River Park's other private waterfront assets include two piers. The “Long Pier” located at the end of Riverside Road, and the “Short Pier” located next to the boat ramp at the end of Park Road. No parking at either location. Both piers are open from dawn to dusk. Click here for regulations concerning the use of the boat ramp and piers.
South River Park currently has two boat slips for rent at the Short Pier Facility. Boat slip rentals and boat slip wait lists are detailed in the community by-laws and Attachments. Click here for regulations concerning slip rental.
South River Park has kayak/paddleboard racks at Ingall's Beach for South River Park property owners only.
South River Park has two parks and several garden areas.
One park, Ingalls Beach, was donated by the Ingall's family for South River Park homeowners private use only. This treasured green space located on Riverside Road, has picnic tables, a beautiful new stone wall with steps leading to the sandy beach on the shore of Warehouse Creek. A kayak rack is available for SRP property owners only.
The South River Park Club House volunteers maintain the beautiful gardens at this property, which includes all of Circle Drive. We are especially grateful to Paul Van Cleef for volunteering to mow most of the green space in South River Park, and Todd Pounds for volunteering to beautify the garden circle at Riverside Road and Park Road.
All gardens offer Memory Gardens, donation of plants in memory of loved ones to create beautiful spaces filled with butterflies and birds.