Beach Committee

  • Chair – Randy Mertz, Robin Mertz, Liz del Castillo

The Beach Committee works with the Executive Committee to manage all plans and contracts for the Beach properties.

Clubhouse Committee

  • Co-Chairs – Randy and Robin Mertz

The Clubhouse Committee manages SRPCA Clubhouse rentals and reports Clubhouse maintenance/improvements needs.

Communications Committee

  • Co-Chairs – Webmaster – Robin Mertz and      Liz del Castillo

The Communications Committee manages and updates the SRPCA website ( The Committee also reaches out SRPCA homeowners via email and US Mail.

Finance and Long-Range Planning Committee

  • Co -Chairs – Liz Del Castillo & Randy Mertz

The Finance Committee works with the Executive Committee to produce and update the SRPCA Long Range Finance Plan.

Grounds and Beautification Committee

  • Chair – Robin Mertz and Liz del Castillo

The Beautification Committee is a group of treasured SPRCA volunteers who care for SRPCA lawns and gardens.

Nominating Committee

  • Chair – Rotating

The Nominating Committee collects nominations for SRPCA offices for the annual community elections held in November.  The Nominating Committee puts together bio pages for nominees running for office. This Committee creates the secret ballot with the nominees, with instructions on the voting process with specific deadlines for mail in of the secret ballots and drop off at the annual meeting in the Cluhbouse, as detailed in the Election section of the by-laws.  The Committee counts the secret ballots and announce the election results by nominee only at the Annual Community Meeting.

Social Events Committee

  • Chair – Randy Mertz, Robin Mertz

The Social Committee works with the Executive Committee with community event schedules and management. These events range from SRPCA Anniversary Celebrations, fishing derbies, and Santa Firetruck Gift Giving.

Waterfront Committee

  • Chair – Liz del Castillo

The Waterfront Committee works to ensure that SPRCA's short and long piers, and boat ramps are maintained and reports improvement needs to the Executive Committee.  The Committee maintains a boat slip waiting list for SRPCA residents per the bylaws. The Committee advises current slip holders to pay rent before December 1 each year, and ensures boat slip lease agreements are signed.  The committee must also record and ensure that boat ramp keys are sold only to SRPCA residents.


Please share your interest in joining any committee by reaching out to any member of the SRPCA Executive Committee.